Slideshow: Latest Trips


Sunday, July 08, 2007

All in good time

I went to Serendra with ate Les and Tin today. While we were having coffee, I had a little talk with them again and I really do love our little talks.This time, we talked about managing your time, charity works, microfinancing and the "Pareto" principle.

Nowadays, I am getting busier and busier by the day. Although people may not think so because I am not in college as of the moment, I am truly caught up in so many things and I am enjoying every minute of it. I am now learning the dlicate art of managing time. It really pays to do so. To make a rough outline of your day and being able to accomplish it feels so good especially when you see that you reap the benefits.

Although sometimes i feel so sick of where i am (the Phils.) I know that i should just be patient because the weaving of the delicate fabric of time cannot be rushed. I know I am being led to where i am supposed to be. As I make my way towards success, I do want to share my rewards with the world wherever i am.

With regards to charitable works its best that you do it even when you are just starting to earn money. While you get richer, the more you give too... It really depends on you on what percentage of your income you want to give to people but to start it would be a good idea to share around 10% of your income for donation. If you start giving even when you are not yet that productive, you will develop the habit of giving and it will be apart of your benevolent priniciples for the rest of you life.

One person I look up to because of his pioneering heroic effort toward the poor is Muhammad Yunus. He started the idea of microfinance through micro credit. He lent around $47 to a group of women who made furniture out of bamboo and the rest was history so to speak. He made an effort to eventually put up a microfinancing bank named the Grameen bank focused solely on giving out loans for the poor as a means of capital, housing, education and etc. He gave so much trust to these poor people who had the willingness to venture on to start their own business and he opened up the biggest opportunity of them just to that. This way of helping the poor is fulfilling because you are able to help people without making them dependent on you for support in the long run.

"Everything you give, you will get ten fold", this I truly believe. This saying is also illustrated through the Pareto principle or the law of the vital fews. This law states that 80% of the effect of anything comes from just 20% of the cause. e.g. If you give 10% of your your income, you get around 40% more in return through the workings of the universe. Of course, your rewards will always come unexpectedly.

I love how everything revolves and connects with everything else. I know that all will come and go at its perfect time.


Anonymous said...

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Tony LaRocca said...

You're a very sweet lady, wanting to help others :)


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