Slideshow: Latest Trips


Sunday, July 22, 2007

Everything in One Day

Yesterday was one of the most eventful days of my life. It was a combination of the different facets involved in my persona.

I had been waiting for that day for such a long time, for it was the day that I would get my last installment of Harry Potter. To my excitement, after getting the book I treated myself twice. I went straight to one of my hangouts, Sweet Inspirations and I had an all - pinoy full on breakfast. I had Adobo Flakes with egg and Atsara. YUM! After having such a scrumptious meal, I went to Gateway, Coffee Bean, to start my last adventure in the world of Potter. I ordered a coffee shake and found a comfy little spot to start he celebration...When I flipped through the first few pages, excitement rushed through me but when I saw the dedication, my mood took a detour to something situated deeper within me. Her dedication read as:

"This dedication is split in 7 ways: to Neil, to Jessica, to David, to Kenzie, to Di, to Anne and to YOU, if you have stuck with Harry until the very end...."

When I read this my eyes got a bit misty, and it really hit me that this is the end! WOW! So, with that I started reading, I went on from 11:00 til 3:45... In the middle of it all two funny things happened. First, when i reached page 130+ of my book, Aris texted me and said that he was just on page 74 but that he had already paused, closed the book and shook his head in disbelief 5 times since he started. I do not blame him ecause everything was simply overwhelming... (sigh) Second, I was on my way up from the ladies room after a little break and I saw this cute looking guy look at me on the way up so I smiled at him. I went back to CBTL to resume my session then I saw the same guy. He went looking for me and caught up with me. He then went inside the coffee shop and talked to me a bit then asked for my phone number haha! funny...

When it was time, I had to go up to the LRT entrance to meet up with Cyril and Lora. I wasn't expecting anything, if it pushes through then great!, if not then its okay... To my delight it pushed through! I saw Cy first, we decided to go down and tell Lora to follow instead, we chatted for a while then Lora although late (hahahh!) managed to get down. We were undecided on where to hang out. We went to Starbucks first but it was full, we tried up but it was the same, so we went down again and found Gloria jeans, a not so bad and not so crowded place. We talked for about 30 mins then i had to go because of my "curfew" mainly. I was so happy just to see them frankly. I missed them both so much and seeing them just made my week. I realized that we still held the same personality as before. Each of us were our own person. When I told Tin and Gwen about it they were amused by the story and said that it will forever be that way. If I meet up with my highschool friends my highschool attitide will come back.... same goes with all the sets of friends I have....:D hahhahaha!

When I came home I had a few surprises..too.. I talked to two clients who were inquiring bout my services as an artist and as a voice teacher so I hope everything pushes through. I am learning how to carry on with work and be relaxed at the same time... I am getting comfortable with dealing with clients..... I am also becoming more appreciative of the time I dedicate to "dating" myself whenever I try to clear my thoughts or read a special book because those are the moments I fall in love with life itslef.

Things are happening with a woosh and a trail. There is so much change revolving in the atmosphere..... I know that I am growing up and I am getting inspired to live up to my little reveries and dreams everyday. When I picture my self as "B" I smile at the prospect, be happy and proceed to be "A" because i know transition from the first to the latter is only a matter of SPACE and the illusion that is TIME......

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