Slideshow: Latest Trips


Friday, August 10, 2007


There are so many entries in this blog that comes in the first person point of view. That is, i almost ALWAYS refer to myself. I get so full of myself sometimes and I know it.

I do not want to always talk about ME anymore. It doesn't mean that just because this is my blog I am excused of always referring to myself.

I saw a snippet of my horoscope a while ago and it mentioned that Arieses have a tendency to become selfish at times and I KNOW THAT! Oh boy do i see that in myself.

I decide right now that i want to be committed to being GE-NER-OUS from now on. Generosity brings out so many benefits. Aside from the fact that I am becoming more of the God that is innately in me, I also get to help people. When you give, it means that you have plenty and that you enjoy sharing per se.

Sharing is the key element to selflessness. It is also the best thing that a person can do to show appreciation and fascination for each other. This world is not meant to be lived on solely as an individual. Sometimes the only way to find ourselves is to sense it in others. That only goes to show how no man is an island and that we are naturally social beings.

The ego often hinders us from realizing this fact. Because of insecurity, greed comes in and fear steps into the limelight even more making it the center of attention.

I am so blessed to have people around me that enable me to keep in touch with this side of morality. My sisters have been so generous to me that I cannot word how thankful I am to them. They are the only ones guts enough to talk to me straight to my face and push my weaknesses right on to where it should be taken into evaluation. My family and friends are my pillars thus I should make them my priority. I think I have spent enough time with myself. I am ready to love others. I am ready to mingle and make bonds. I am ready to fuse with the light of other beings.

I am grateful for this life and for everyone in it. Thank you all so much. Everything that you guys have done has embedded love energy into my triumvirate. This love shall be my purpose of living from now on.

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