Slideshow: Latest Trips


Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Fully Booked ( not just the store but my own agendas too)

Here I am blogging once again. Haha! i just can't seem t get enough of this. :D

Well, disregarding my comment mentioned above, today was light and good. Although my day started a bit sour (since my session with Chris was delayed because of technical reasons), I was still able to save it make it strangely sweet again.

To start off, I just installed Gwen's (overly shelf-lifed) web-cam. Now it is serving its purpose and Gwen was kind enough to allow me to use it in the afternoon as long as she would be here in the house. Now i can have class with my student online without having to go to a public, unconditioned place for teaching.

Just in time, AFTER my class with Chris, Kuya came and I was able to tag along with the Carinos to the Fort. At first, we went to The Strip but I didn't find any interesting place to hang out in in that joint so I resolved to go to Boni High instead. Low and behold, it was heaven.

I took a short walk towards my destination and looked around the establishments and stores. I saw a few cool shoes but nothing that really interested me (considering my budget hehehe...). I tread down the long row of shops and landed just where I initially intended to. I was on the front steps of Fully Booked.

I was so amazed at how enormous this new branch was! It had 4 functional floors and the 5th one was still under construction. The things that made this particular branch special were the ff..

  1. The Forum area
  2. The U View (mini cinema)
  3. The Starbucks crammed in the 3rd floor.
  4. The huge-ass record shop
  5. The Art supplies section below.
I was in HEAVEN! As I was browsing, I wanted to lag on the whole day in that place, just to look at the books. If only I had my own mini library... ah the joy of gaining knowledge and joy at your fingertips. I wanted to buy every book I was intrigued in.

As I shifted my gaze from book cover to book cover (each one suited for the type of subject it presented) I discovered that there is so much talent in this world. No one will ever run out of ideas to add up to the many compiled articles of specialty and genius that were in the store. Originally I was scared that I would never be able to come up to the level of these significant people featured all around me. Then, it struck me like lightning that we all really do inspire each other. That is what talent is for, it is to remind one another how exceptional we all are in each of our own ways.

I got overwhelmed at the whole vibe of the place.

When I got home I received a text from Jeanie saying that the company I was applying for liked the credentials that I sent to them and that they were impressed. There's just a bit of an age issue at hand but I hope it will be considered. I know the Universe knows what's best for me so I just surrender my service to whatever it thinks is best for me. I trust the universe even if I were to be blindfolded.

Oh well adieu! I am off to bed hehehe

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oi, achei teu blog pelo google tá bem interessante gostei desse post. Quando der dá uma passada pelo meu blog, é sobre camisetas personalizadas, mostra passo a passo como criar uma camiseta personalizada bem maneira. Se você quiser linkar meu blog no seu eu ficaria agradecido, até mais e sucesso.(If you speak English can see the version in English of the Camiseta Personalizada.If he will be possible add my blog in your blogroll I thankful, bye friend).


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