Slideshow: Latest Trips


Thursday, August 02, 2007

Cooped Up for THREE DAYS

I have been stuck in the house for three consecutive days already! I wonder if anyone can fathom the degree to which I really want to go out for some fresh air, people watch or something. I am comfortable with myself but I guess i miss the presence and energy of other people too.....

I am kinda financially incapable of hanging out right now but at least I am getting used to preoccupying myself wherever I am. It takes a lot to condition yourself to do things no matter where you are. It captures a sense of discipline and calmness in a person really.

Its so ironic how you miss being a bum when you are busy and miss being busy when you are a bum. I guess I just have to make the most out of this bumness...... aahhh..... dualities, i dont think I will EVER get used to them hehehe..

1 comment:

Tony LaRocca said...

Just crawl out the window!

I hurt my back last year & had to spend a month in bed. I did the same thing ten years ago when I burned the back of my leg off with acid & needed a skin graft. I have to stop doing these things :)

Get out & enjoy the sunshine!


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