Slideshow: Latest Trips


Monday, August 27, 2007

Soon so soon

This second half of August was something of a blast. Full of surprises it has been, never a dull moment in between.

Sweet little joys come in the best of packages, which in this case was the arrival of my sister Jenny from the States. It has been 5 years since I have last seen her. The last time she was here i have to admit that I didn't spend much time with her and i wasn't able to make up for the lost time that we did not have with each other. This time I made an effort to be on my best behavior and truly unmasking the personality of someone so near yet so far from me.

In her stay this time, i learned that SO MANY of my own personal antics and characteristics come form her! Its a mystery how I was able to acquire all of them despite the fact that she is the one I hardly know out of my sisters. We talk in the same mumbled way, our facial antics are the same (how we pout our lips sometimes unknowingly), we do things taking our sweet special time like a turtle (hence everybody gets so irritated at how slow we do things), we sometimes have delayed reactions when someone tells a joke or says a story.

Her presence in the house made everything so light, and i mean light! She also allowed me to see the possiblilities for me to lose so much weight. Her personal diet should be made into a book! No sweets, or hydrogenated fat, NO SUGAR and exercise at least once a week. On Sundays, splurge on one meal, you may choose to eat one kind of fatty food and one kind of dessert. I am now cold turkeying sweets from now on except Sundays. She is the thinnest out of all my siblings. She was even a fashion model before.

I was so happy that for the first time in five years, the sisters JACINTO were complete.

Yesterday when we brought her to the airport I wasn't able to condition myself to the situation at hand. We had to say goodbye. I teared up a little, but i knew that i would be seeing her soon..... very much SOONER THAN EXPECTED.

The airport had such a profound effect on me, I wasn't myself the whole evening...... why does everything live and die so soon.....

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Currently Listening:
Chris Brown - Yo (Excuse Me Miss)

I am now taking an interest to Chris Brown. He is amazing. The Usher of our generation. He has been having a good career.

Anyhoo..... I am good... i am happy. I am now finding out ways on how to maximize my time as much as I can. Its as if I am running on a tight schedule but actually I am in total control of my time. As much as possible I never want to be seen by other people staring blankly into space like there is nothing left in this world to enthusiastically observe.

Be in the now, look and see why you have the upper hand in whatever cause you always do have an advantage. Sometimes people's visions get blurry because they are blinded but their dissatisfaction. Everything will only work for you once you are GRATEFUL.

Hope i bring myself to do what i said hahah! will you guys join me at this? :D taralets mga bagets hahah!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Getting a Kick Out of What Lies Ahead

Being an out of school youth has its downsides (not graduating in due time, getting bored out of your wits, having not much of a social life) BUT, for this time, I am looking on to the "but thens".

I have chosen a peculiar route for me in this stage of my life. For a whacking 1 and a half years (and running) I have not been studying. I came to this decision primarily because of two reasons: 1. I am waiting for my petition papers to arrive and most truthfully...., 2. I was not psyched up about going to school since I had been drained for the past 4 years of studying in High School. Now I am seeing an ever clearer picture as to why I stuck firm on this decision. I wanted REST.. and boy did I get it!

While I was "RESTING" I found myself and my inner purpose along the way. I found the answers to the most mind boggling questions a human being can ask. If you ask me where I stand when it comes to religion, love, spirituality, God and self... i will probably have a heart felt answer to supply. The most puzzling things are now friends with me. I am so grateful to have gone this way. I owe it to my beautiful sisters for they have been my northern stars. I would have been mislead without them.

Now that I am positively sure that i am opting to start college next school year i am more than prepared. I am not being dragged by my ankles to do it either, the choice comes from me. To go on to the next stage of my academic journey is exhilerating. My determination and happiness has reached the optimum level.

Friday, August 10, 2007


There are so many entries in this blog that comes in the first person point of view. That is, i almost ALWAYS refer to myself. I get so full of myself sometimes and I know it.

I do not want to always talk about ME anymore. It doesn't mean that just because this is my blog I am excused of always referring to myself.

I saw a snippet of my horoscope a while ago and it mentioned that Arieses have a tendency to become selfish at times and I KNOW THAT! Oh boy do i see that in myself.

I decide right now that i want to be committed to being GE-NER-OUS from now on. Generosity brings out so many benefits. Aside from the fact that I am becoming more of the God that is innately in me, I also get to help people. When you give, it means that you have plenty and that you enjoy sharing per se.

Sharing is the key element to selflessness. It is also the best thing that a person can do to show appreciation and fascination for each other. This world is not meant to be lived on solely as an individual. Sometimes the only way to find ourselves is to sense it in others. That only goes to show how no man is an island and that we are naturally social beings.

The ego often hinders us from realizing this fact. Because of insecurity, greed comes in and fear steps into the limelight even more making it the center of attention.

I am so blessed to have people around me that enable me to keep in touch with this side of morality. My sisters have been so generous to me that I cannot word how thankful I am to them. They are the only ones guts enough to talk to me straight to my face and push my weaknesses right on to where it should be taken into evaluation. My family and friends are my pillars thus I should make them my priority. I think I have spent enough time with myself. I am ready to love others. I am ready to mingle and make bonds. I am ready to fuse with the light of other beings.

I am grateful for this life and for everyone in it. Thank you all so much. Everything that you guys have done has embedded love energy into my triumvirate. This love shall be my purpose of living from now on.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Fully Booked ( not just the store but my own agendas too)

Here I am blogging once again. Haha! i just can't seem t get enough of this. :D

Well, disregarding my comment mentioned above, today was light and good. Although my day started a bit sour (since my session with Chris was delayed because of technical reasons), I was still able to save it make it strangely sweet again.

To start off, I just installed Gwen's (overly shelf-lifed) web-cam. Now it is serving its purpose and Gwen was kind enough to allow me to use it in the afternoon as long as she would be here in the house. Now i can have class with my student online without having to go to a public, unconditioned place for teaching.

Just in time, AFTER my class with Chris, Kuya came and I was able to tag along with the Carinos to the Fort. At first, we went to The Strip but I didn't find any interesting place to hang out in in that joint so I resolved to go to Boni High instead. Low and behold, it was heaven.

I took a short walk towards my destination and looked around the establishments and stores. I saw a few cool shoes but nothing that really interested me (considering my budget hehehe...). I tread down the long row of shops and landed just where I initially intended to. I was on the front steps of Fully Booked.

I was so amazed at how enormous this new branch was! It had 4 functional floors and the 5th one was still under construction. The things that made this particular branch special were the ff..

  1. The Forum area
  2. The U View (mini cinema)
  3. The Starbucks crammed in the 3rd floor.
  4. The huge-ass record shop
  5. The Art supplies section below.
I was in HEAVEN! As I was browsing, I wanted to lag on the whole day in that place, just to look at the books. If only I had my own mini library... ah the joy of gaining knowledge and joy at your fingertips. I wanted to buy every book I was intrigued in.

As I shifted my gaze from book cover to book cover (each one suited for the type of subject it presented) I discovered that there is so much talent in this world. No one will ever run out of ideas to add up to the many compiled articles of specialty and genius that were in the store. Originally I was scared that I would never be able to come up to the level of these significant people featured all around me. Then, it struck me like lightning that we all really do inspire each other. That is what talent is for, it is to remind one another how exceptional we all are in each of our own ways.

I got overwhelmed at the whole vibe of the place.

When I got home I received a text from Jeanie saying that the company I was applying for liked the credentials that I sent to them and that they were impressed. There's just a bit of an age issue at hand but I hope it will be considered. I know the Universe knows what's best for me so I just surrender my service to whatever it thinks is best for me. I trust the universe even if I were to be blindfolded.

Oh well adieu! I am off to bed hehehe

Friday, August 03, 2007

Old Men

I have this thing with old men. I always cry when I see or watch something on TV about an old man who is suffering from pain whether its physical or emotional. I think it is because, these men have experienced a lot of "repenting" throughout their lives. Men do have more escapades and rendezvous more than women have.

I get cracked up even more whenever I see an old man who is a widower. I sense this kind of silent mourning erupting within them. Its at that point in their lives when they realize that they do truly love their spouses and that they are so alone without them. Living with these women for practically their whole lives made them grow into their spouses' characters and thus they find completion in their being only with their spouses' presence. Perhaps they would want to die already and follow onto the next life, some do. Some, however, accept that they still have to stay on this earth and live up to their higher purpose, live til they fulfill their mission. Some reminisce and acquire a deep insight because of their reflections.

Significant incidences such as the death of our loved ones increase our awareness and make us appreciate life even more. It doesn't take a strained effort to have your inner eye opened, it will just will automatically.

I had this keen observation yesterday when I watched Avril Lavigne's Video "When you're gone". I'm not really an Avril fan but of course since her video is always in demand on MTV, I just happened to lend my attention to her. I saw an old man with the description fitted above. he was one of the characters in the video. I felt pity for him and teared up, unexpectedly. I knew it was just a little eye dropper moment but then something totally uncomprehendable happened.... I cried, like a baby..... I cried so hard that my sinuses clogged up, then the recent events in my life just passed through my head. I was specifically affected by my longing to see my dad, the only man in my immediate family. I have not seen him in 6 years, and counting, but I don't want to count any further.

It dawned on me that i really miss my parents and I miss their guidance. I do not have a clue what life fixture i chose upon entering this lifetime as this spiritual entity but I do know that the universe has my back and that it knows my deepest desires. One way or another, i WILL see my parents soon.

I cried myself to sleep yet when i woke up, its as if nothing happened to me. I was fine and its not a lie.

These past few days have been about acceptance, gratitude, faith and most of all..... PATIENCE. Everyone has to be patient and well dead set on each of their endeavors and i think I am. If i am having a hard time, what more the old man in the video or the picture? They are just waiting for a call from the light.... devotedly they wait for a new beginning from the doors leading ti the afterlife......

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Cooped Up for THREE DAYS

I have been stuck in the house for three consecutive days already! I wonder if anyone can fathom the degree to which I really want to go out for some fresh air, people watch or something. I am comfortable with myself but I guess i miss the presence and energy of other people too.....

I am kinda financially incapable of hanging out right now but at least I am getting used to preoccupying myself wherever I am. It takes a lot to condition yourself to do things no matter where you are. It captures a sense of discipline and calmness in a person really.

Its so ironic how you miss being a bum when you are busy and miss being busy when you are a bum. I guess I just have to make the most out of this bumness...... aahhh..... dualities, i dont think I will EVER get used to them hehehe..


My Mind Movie

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