Slideshow: Latest Trips


Monday, May 28, 2007


Yesterday my day was as bipolar as ever. I couldn't comprehend what i was going through.

It all started with the night before yesterday. I read Harry Potter 6 and I was on the part where Dumbledore dies. The way he died is still vivid in my memory until now. It was really heart wrenching. I couldn't help but tear up once again. I didn't even notice myself starting to cry.

The next morning. I woke up late. and everything was wrong in a way.

I got to the tricycle station and it took ages before i finally heard the sound of a roaring engine. When I was at the gate waiting for a jeep it also took another century before the jeepney came.

I was cranky after that. When I arrived at my student's place, low and behold "that" was there. That had just woken up. That looked tired and sad. I lost concentration and was spaced out most of the time from the point where that came out. I have to tell that the truth since that would be leaving soon. I became dreamy the whole day thinking of scenarios in which that and I would be talking. Oooooh boy! If only that knew.

So on Thursday I will confront that just the way I should.

Anyway, for the rest of my day it was the exact opposite. I saw my highschool friends again since it was Gladys' b-day. I was so happy to have seen them. We had dinner, went to the arcade (relived our childhood), and had icecream. I really enjoyed their presence but after the encounter I can say that I am ready to meet even more people and find something to compare the people i know too.I want to be exposed to other lifestyles and other kinds of people.

I had fun, pure fun with my highschool friends still.

I went home feeling a but weary. I felt both happy and irritable. I cried it out then slept early. Now I regained enough strength to be able to analyze myself curiously and now I can say that i can alter my whole person in a snap of a finger willingly if I wanted to but i guess I want to live out my drama for some reason.

So to anyone who thinks it crazy or strange, stay away leave me alone and let me live it. Theres room for more than one kind of experience here. But just to reassure you. I am fine. I am still "the outer eyes of myself"

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