Slideshow: Latest Trips


Monday, May 29, 2006


Long time no blog! I have been using my sisters macintosh computer lately and it is not very compatible with writing html yet so... Its been quite complicated. I have not blogged in quite a while and I really miss it.

Anyway... one thing I have reeally enjoyed doing nowadays is observing, observing EVERYTHING around me. It is so interesting indeed. It makes you look at the whole world as one big entity. When you scrutinize the specialties and intricacies of what people specifically love doing, you see how complex they are. thus, you get to appreciate the profession of everyone whether he/she be a rap star or a world renowned scientist. I feel so special when its like this. Here you get to see that everyone has a certain space in this world that no one would ever dare take. Each space should be respected because each space represents God and Gods creativity, which is soooooo beautiful!

But anaysis can sometimes be different from observation. Analysis is a thorough look at something including looking for reasons why this thing is like this and this that thing is like that and etc etc etc..... it can trick you sometimes to "judge" things you percieve. This would mean labelling something and thus killing its chance to stand out. For me, if you let people "work on" the things they start it would really mean a lot to them. It would be a hint that we are here in this world to support each other. We are here to give chances for everyone to shine and have a PROUD moment in ones life, one should never condemn ideas whether crazy or mundane. If you notice, those "CRAZY" ideas are those which make a stand when the majority of the people are evoved and enlightened enough to accept them.

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