Slideshow: Latest Trips


Tuesday, May 02, 2006


I am finally starting a good post here on this blog. I have been wanting to fix this for the longest time and finally its here. My official blog. I do have a blog in friendster actually but I want one more customized and boy this is it. I can add so many things on this and if I want to keep it simple it will really be simple alright.
I entitled this entry moving because of so many things. This word is so symbolic to what I am feeling now.
Moving throught the thin threads of time. It is only now I discovered that past, present and future are all actually happening at the same time. It is only in man's imagination that they are happening separately. I am still working out on how to explain that so I'll get back to it some other time I suppose.
I am "moving" (evolving) into another being and I really know so. Frankly the books I have been reading have a truth that I have been searching for for the longest time. The messages of these books have been so complex. I know that I undeerstand it deep within me but I cannot find the words (the tricky words) to express them with so I will get back to that too.

In lighter comprehension.... I am also moving to another country to live there. I am going to live in the states with my mom, dad and sister pretty soon now. This will be pretty hard. I will be adjusting to a whole different world. I do have mixed emotions. I am excited, anxious, and pretty freakin scared too! It is soooooooooooo crazy man! hehehe!

I am very happy though that I have accepted my new direction and I now can say that I do have to stand by all my newly "remembered" principles all the way...
Hence I am inviting all who want to to come to this journey with me through this instument called a blog. I am welcoming all into the cogworks of my mixed brain to join in the excavation for the truth.

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