Slideshow: Latest Trips


Wednesday, May 31, 2006

My soul

You Are a Dreaming Soul

Your vivid emotions and imagination takes you away from this world
So much so that you tend to live in your head most of the time
You have great dreams and ambitions that could be the envy of all...
But for you, following through with your dreams is a bit difficult

You are charming, endearing, and people tend to love you.
Forgiving and tolerant, you see the world through rose colored glasses.
Underneath it all, you have a ton of passion that you hide from others.
Always hopeful, you tend to expect positive outcomes in your life.

Souls you are most compatible with: Newborn Soul, Prophet Soul, and Traveler Soul

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Being Self-centered as good in another perception

"Love your neighbor as you love yourself"... this is one of the summarized commandments according to the bible. I believe this 100 percent. I want to share to you how I do believe it.

I do not believe it in the sense that I am vain. (The picture doesn't imply what you think) I say that in order to love others and in order to appreciate others you must be able to love yourself. If you always keep that love, hold on to it and never let it falter then the relationships you encounter with others will go on more smoothly than you think. Example....

Lets say the reason you go into a relationship is in order to find completion and make yourself complete.... (That is what people ususally say right?) It will not help you to go into a relationship if this is the case. You will end up being co-dependent of each other and thus setting up "rules" to limit the freedom of the two people in a relationship. This will crush your soul. The "rules" will make the partner feel untrusted and will even (sometimes) deliberately go against them.

If you love yourself you are already complete... but you welcome more love because that is our natural purpose here, is to seek for love. Is to know that you are purely love.

Now if you go and find out who you are and who you want to be by getting into a reationship then this can work so well. If you want to show and stand up to say that you are a being who can share love and a being who knows how to love then things may turn out well... heheheh...

Monday, May 29, 2006


Long time no blog! I have been using my sisters macintosh computer lately and it is not very compatible with writing html yet so... Its been quite complicated. I have not blogged in quite a while and I really miss it.

Anyway... one thing I have reeally enjoyed doing nowadays is observing, observing EVERYTHING around me. It is so interesting indeed. It makes you look at the whole world as one big entity. When you scrutinize the specialties and intricacies of what people specifically love doing, you see how complex they are. thus, you get to appreciate the profession of everyone whether he/she be a rap star or a world renowned scientist. I feel so special when its like this. Here you get to see that everyone has a certain space in this world that no one would ever dare take. Each space should be respected because each space represents God and Gods creativity, which is soooooo beautiful!

But anaysis can sometimes be different from observation. Analysis is a thorough look at something including looking for reasons why this thing is like this and this that thing is like that and etc etc etc..... it can trick you sometimes to "judge" things you percieve. This would mean labelling something and thus killing its chance to stand out. For me, if you let people "work on" the things they start it would really mean a lot to them. It would be a hint that we are here in this world to support each other. We are here to give chances for everyone to shine and have a PROUD moment in ones life, one should never condemn ideas whether crazy or mundane. If you notice, those "CRAZY" ideas are those which make a stand when the majority of the people are evoved and enlightened enough to accept them.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Not Wanting More

Not wanting more than what you have especially when it comes to material things is really hard. I don't know before, whenever i would go somewhere and see something I want to have I always get uneasy and the frustration of not haveing that thing ruins my day. The truth is that I have seen through so many forms that I do get what I want but it comes at the specific time that it is NEEDED. I used to hate waiting for money to come I wanted it to come at once. Once I get it I ALWAYS get buyer's remorse when buying something. I always think that I ue my money so unwisely no matter what I get.

The thing that is making me feel this way truly is envy, jealousy. These two things usually create dissapointments which are worth putting your control over. These two things make you look at what you think you lack and all your pessimisms. These make me feel poisoned.

I do not like feeling these emotions but I ave chosen to feel them that I may know how good it feels NOT to feel them. Tis all apart of the life I have chosen to live. Now, I choose o live in satisfaction of what I have. Through this I can create beautifully with the means I have, with the appreciation of every single blessing given to me. Through this I can be me. The Sam worth seeing and the one who feels good with what she is doing. This sam is learning how to love herself and see that she is already beautiful without having to rely on material things for comfort with my life.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

A Tribute to Chris Daughtry

I know people would think of me as very silly indeed by doing this but...I pay tribute to my bet for American Idol Chris Daughtry. I never thought that I would cry when he left the show. I feel extremely terrible indeed. I never saw it coming.

This was the first time that I ever cried just because of an elimination in a measly TV show! I think that he is a great person. and that he is deserving of all his success. He is ture to himself and not afraid to show it.

He is a guy who always looks on to the bright side and he accepts constuctive criticisms very well taht every week that he comes out, he blows out the show with a very WOW performance.

You will always be a winner for me and I look up to you very much... with this I have made a closure...
Bye Chris, I am totally buying your album.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Amazing feeling!

I have had one of the most wonderful feelings these past few days! I feel all tingly inside. I feel so great because I have been helping out in the school yearbook. I have been editing the descriptions for the students and I have tried out sketching a format for the cover. I have also been experiencing a lot of cooperation and I think I am learning how to deal with group projects more now. I realized that if you pour your full attention to what you do it always comes out well especially if you really want something to happen then it will happen. Its all mind over matter really. You just have to attract that positive energy to revolve around what you create in order for you to discover your truth about this world.
If you know how to accept peoples opinions and how to process them into a formulated idea or a concoction of creativity then it would be better. I am experiencing a liking for group activity. Its just a matter of passion for whatever you do. If it just so happens that you are put to this task because you unconsciously chose it or if your soul wants to remember something about it then it comes. It is just a matter of bringing out your consciousness about things. If it seems that things are not happening at the time you want it to, it is because it has a specific timing for you to feel and experience a specific feeling.
I am also so happy because I have been associating myself with so many people lately. I have been receiving gifts and blessings from my friends and family and it has been lifting up my self esteem to a very high level indeed. Not an arrogant one but one that makes love highly noticable. It makes it protrude thus showing that everyone has well intentions for the reaching out to the absolute.
One thing that I really have to remember is how to remember DETAILS of the things taht are happening. This indirectly states that I have to hone my OBSERVATION SKILLS. So, I pray that I thank god for the knowledge of the possiblity of HAVING good obsevation skills that I in turn may acquire them heheheh.... :P

Monday, May 08, 2006

Fireworks on electrical posts!

Yesterday night was one of the most amusing days of my life! heheheh! and this day is quite cool too!
I was talking to Dannica on the phone in my cousin Joanna's room when suddenly... the lights went out then the phone line got cut.... I didn't know what in the heck was happening! I swore coz it was pitch dark.... I eventually found my way out of the room. I then went to my tita's room only to find out that there were two electrical posts that went in sparks and that was set on fire! The scenario was that we were all looking for spare lights, Joyce my other cousin was calling the firefighters and the electrical company Meralco then we went downstairs to shut off the main switches. My tita was a little panicked and held her granddaughter as tight as she ever could.
After all the commotion... we went outside to the top deck where it was an open air place. We just couldn't resist that thought of a breather after that!
After a while, they said that it would take a very long time to fix the damage done so we had to wait. Since Jillian the baby had only a few extra sterilized bottles left for the night, we had to find a place with electricity. Spontaneously we decided to go to Dino's house to keep Jillian comfortable and to access needed electricity.
I was wondering in Dino's house if his sister Gabs was there! I wanted to see her badly coz we had not seen each other in quite a while. Afte about an hour at about 11:00 that night.... Gabs and I finally saw each other. Since it seemed like the elecricity was not to come anymore, my cousin told me that I was to sleep in Gabie's room for the night.
Gabs and I were so excited... we didn't even plan on sleeping! We kept talking the whole night then it was about 2:30 in the morning. In the middle of conversation someone called me from outside saying that we were to leave already. I didn't want to but I had to so i did as I was told.
I then was told to go along with Dino and he'd bring me and Havie to our homes. We waited a while and drank a few beers. It was so interesting to be with these people at that hour! It was so fun. We even talked about religion and the Da Vinci code. We even talked about Opus Dei and how strict their practices are.
When I came home I didn't want to go to sleep I was so engrossed in the nights events. It made me think one again. I didn't even want to keep this entry waiting.
Now the recent events made me realize something very important. It is in these kinds of events where you appreciate everyone you are with at the given present moment no matter what you image of them was in the past. That is when you live your life to the fullest. I saw myself doing that yesterday. I am soo happy. Next post amybe tomorrow.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Interesting part 2

When I say "UNSUITABLE" it is because I do not believe that anything is bad anymore. "BAD" is a term coined by narrow minded people for me. It is unfair to name something as bad. Sometimes things are judged as bad by people who get so hurt of them. It is not helpful for other people who havent experienced such a thing because it is somehow labelled already. Biased opinions pop out made by people who are totally unconscious of what they are doing then it ends up blocking the flow of experience!
For me we people are here not to learn.... We are here to feel to be fully human. If we are God's sons and daughters... If we are made in His/Her image and likeness... Than in a way, we are God. WE ARE GOD! If we are God we already know... it is just up to us to remember.
You may ask..."What the hell is this demented girl talking about?" I can prove it I have back up.. here is how it goes... an all powerful... all knowing God. He was this enegry, absolute and ever great. The knew himself conceptually. He KNOWS that he is all powerful all that he is everything. But... because God was all there is... He couldn't compare himself to anything. He was therefore "NOTHING" because he was "EVERYTHING"
Now in order to make himself something... he wanted to know himself not only "CONCEPTUALLY" but also "EXPERIENTAILLY"
Think of it this way... you know that belgian chocolate tastes sooo freaking good! You know it already but that is not enough... you want to taste it for approval. You want to EXPERIENCE IT. Tasting makes you feel food. Makes you confirm your knowledge about chocolate.
So... God in order to experience himself made the world of the relative... the extremes. Then he created souls, he divided himself into us that he may just do that.
Where did I get all of this? I got it from CONVERSATIONS WITH GOD by Neale Donald Walsh. Now... If you want to understand the green text I have just written please read this book. It is absolutely amazing!
I know I know... You might think that I am so gullible. That I believe everything I read. Believe me I took this thing into DEEP DEEP consideration and I know that within me. I do not have anymore questions to ask. I have been searching for this truth for years and lifetimes. I have finally met it. I am ready to evolve and I hope that I helped at least some of those who are reading this right now.
That's all for tonight folks! MWAH

Blogging as my thing!

I am so in love with blogging now! I don't know I am just so into it. Believe it or not, everything I am learning from computer class is coming out! I am so happy that something I have learned in school has actually appeared in real life! I haven't encountered this since I was in elementary! I am just so happy! I am even learning how to add so many things in this blog and now I can say that it is really my obra maestra! my MASTERPIECE!!!!

Friday, May 05, 2006


I never noticed up until now how interesting my summer has been. I mean... although I have thought that it has been so boring sofar.... It really has not! The pieces have bin put together. There is really a time for a slow paced movement and a time when everything just adds up so fast.

I have been saying that i have bin reading a lot lately right. Well... all the spiritual books I have been reading are helping me face things in a whole new perspective now. I have bin applying what i hve learned practically.. kinda like an exam.

Now frankly... I don't think of hardship anymore. Or any form of sacrifice. I love myself and so I am ready to love anything else. Even anything seemingly negative.

I dont pressure myself to enter into a relationship too soon anymore. I am contented with my life right now. i know that. Unlike before I have bin wanting too much... I have bin holding on to the FUTURE for my salvation. I now found out that I can ALWAYS save my self from any "bad" situation or to put it to words more specifically any "unsuitable" situation for my living just by creating a way out of it and making one much better.

to be continued.....

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

The Environment is all that Matters

The environment is very special to me. I love it so much. I swear that once I become independent and have my own source of income, I will become an environmental activist.
The environment for me is not really only about plants, animals and trees. The environment is about my environment, everything around me and around you.
I believe that everything is made out of God. Even the small ants and little bugs are God. The biggest galaxy and every little thing in it is also God. You and me we are not only Sons of God but we are God.
Everything we experience is experienced by God. It keeps him busy when he's all around living all forms of life. He is able to know himself not only in "knowing" but also through living, through deed and action.
Ever since this concept was introduced to me I have looked at everything as so special. I see that no matter how "bad" other people think someone is, I see through the soul of that person. I see that everyone has a HIGH purpose really. No one is useless everyone is beautiful.
I cant really write now. I am a little distracted so I most probably will write when I am in the mood again. heheheh.... :)

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


I am finally starting a good post here on this blog. I have been wanting to fix this for the longest time and finally its here. My official blog. I do have a blog in friendster actually but I want one more customized and boy this is it. I can add so many things on this and if I want to keep it simple it will really be simple alright.
I entitled this entry moving because of so many things. This word is so symbolic to what I am feeling now.
Moving throught the thin threads of time. It is only now I discovered that past, present and future are all actually happening at the same time. It is only in man's imagination that they are happening separately. I am still working out on how to explain that so I'll get back to it some other time I suppose.
I am "moving" (evolving) into another being and I really know so. Frankly the books I have been reading have a truth that I have been searching for for the longest time. The messages of these books have been so complex. I know that I undeerstand it deep within me but I cannot find the words (the tricky words) to express them with so I will get back to that too.

In lighter comprehension.... I am also moving to another country to live there. I am going to live in the states with my mom, dad and sister pretty soon now. This will be pretty hard. I will be adjusting to a whole different world. I do have mixed emotions. I am excited, anxious, and pretty freakin scared too! It is soooooooooooo crazy man! hehehe!

I am very happy though that I have accepted my new direction and I now can say that I do have to stand by all my newly "remembered" principles all the way...
Hence I am inviting all who want to to come to this journey with me through this instument called a blog. I am welcoming all into the cogworks of my mixed brain to join in the excavation for the truth.


My Mind Movie

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