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Monday, April 23, 2007

My Maya- Aztec reading! (so swak!)

Your Most Personal Traits -- The Day-Sign of Your Birth Here are your strongest and most obvious personality traits. The delineation below describes who you are and how you appear to others, at least on the surface. In Aztec astrology this part of is your horoscope is your Tonalli, or Day-Sign, the form bestowed upon you by the Sun.
Grass: Like most born on this day-sign, you are a very sensitive persons. You may be emotionally fragile, psychic, or simply very aware of the emotional and psychic dynamics that go on around you. It is this awareness that is at the core of your politeness and personal refinement. You can be easily hurt through rejection or by criticism, though you usually do not let on to others that something has upset you. You are soft on the surface but hard underneath.
You have strong, almost driving, ambitions and you work very hard to achieve your goals. You don't over-stress yourself, however, it is your persistence that counts most. You are competitive, but prefer to avoid direct competition. Working alone is often a good solution to your primary dilemma of self-interest vs. self-sacrifice. Ultimately, you want peace, almost at all costs, and will work very hard to avoid a fight or even bad feelings.

The underlying drives described above are more important in understanding yourself than you may realize. You are a person who is striving to heal and transform negative personality traits. There are parts of you that are completely private, because they are unacceptable socially. You struggle with your urges and compulsions alone, but you also gain control over them.
There is a very practical bent in your thinking. Many Grass personalities are problem solvers, designers or engineers. You can handle details well and, after an appropriate amount of deliberation, can be decisive and executive. You also have a strong investigative streak and are attracted to careers or activities that search, dig or uncover things.

In general, you are conservative and practical and present to others a point-of-view that does not upset or challenge the status quo -- and this makes you popular with others. If you are a performer, and most Grass types love music, you play the hits that the crowd loves. Your sense of what is going to be well-received makes you well qualified to be an advertiser, promoter or spokesperson.

Your Deeper Self -- The 13-Day Week of Your Birth Each of us reacts to the world around us in different ways. Our reactions are mostly unconscious; they represent what our deeper self needs. Our reactions both attract and repel us from things, people, and situations. What we like, what we like to do, and who we really are is shown by the 13-day week called the Trecena that we were born under. Each of these periods begins with the number 1 and the name of the day-sign that starts it. A number is attached to your position within the 13-day period that may be an important number for you.
This is the seventh day of the 13-day period beginning with 1-Death. Beneath your surface personality you have a strong committment to your community. You will sacrifice time for others, though you are often not sure just why it is that you do this. You have an extremely strong sense of tradition and are attracted to history and antiquities. You are, ultimately, a very down-to-earth person, conservative, with strong feelings (which you supress) about community and political matters. You may find success in activities involving homes and real estate matters.


Anonymous said...


מלון [url=]כפר בעיר[/url] - שירות חדרים אנחנו מציעים שירותי אירוח מגוונים כמו כן ישנו במקום שירות חדרים המכיל [url=]סעודות רומנטיות[/url] במחירים מפתיעים אשר מוגשות ישירות לחדרכם.

לפרטים נוספים נא לפנות לאתר האינטרנט שלנו - [url=]כפר בעיר[/url] [url=][img][/img][/url]

Anonymous said...

A friend of mine mentioned 2012 last night to me and it's the first I heard about it so I jumped on here out of curiosity. I think it's kind of sick and sounds like a bunch of skeptical jargon.
I choose to live every day like it is the last because let's be real, WHO THE HELL KNOWS what is going to happen or when it's your time to go on. The past is history, the future is a mystery and now is a gift, thats why it's called the present. It's not healthy to sit around and trip out about when you will die. Stop wasting your time you have now.
[/url] - some truth about 2012


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