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Wednesday, April 18, 2007

My Year Cycle for 2007 (you can compute your own too!)

a journey of change,freedom, and NEW experience

"A man should never be ashamedto own he has been in the wrong,which is but saying that he is wiser todaythan he was yesterday.Alexander Pope "

Welcome to the exciting and unpredictable 5 year cycle. Its energy is that of change, freedom, variety, choice, the sudden and unexpe cted, the unusual, and the physical. This year will be quite an experience for you - new experience. You now stand at the halfway point of an entire nine-year cycle of your life. The first four years are behind you. The last four are yet to come. The circumstances of this year will enable you to know the difference between the “old” you, the “present” you and the “potential” you. Expect a substantial change in your life, or a sequence of smaller changes which will lead to a whole new way of life for you. The 5 year cycle provides opportunities to turn your life around by setting off in a direction that is totally different to any you have taken before. The best way to approach this journey is with a complete change of attitude. Last year’s 4 cycle was limiting and restrictive. This year, you must focus on being limitless and free.Opportunities will surround you all year, but you must be able to recognize them when they appear. This will require an open and adventurous mind. Learn to pick and choose carefully between your various options. Take only those which pertain to your true desires and not just your temporary whims. If you try to take advantage of every opportunity that presents itself this year, the confusion of so much diversity will limit your ability to focus. This could prevent success in any area. If your cyclical energies could be seen as roads or highways, route #5 would be the widest and busiest. This is where all traffic seeks a change in course. Without a basic goal or sense of direction, accidents occur and people find themselves in places they don’t want to be. Start out with a firm ambition in mind, a specific sense of destination. But do be flexible. Even the best laid plans can change or be changed without warning signs of any kind. Remember: 5 is the number of the sudden and the unexpected. You are now on a fast-paced journey which is filled with excitement, opportunity, and action. It is an adventure into life. It is a time to discover what is actually out there for you by experiencing things you have not experienced before. This year is likely to be full of new people, new places, and new possibilities. An opportunity may fall right into your lap, or you may find yourself going back and forth, in all directions, as you consider whether a particular change of course is what you want or not. A decision must be made, and courage may be required. The choices you make should be based on your feelings about the situation, along with a conscious understanding of the probable outcome of your choices. This does not mean that you should judge something before you have experienced it. It means that you must be aware of how one change can create a chain reaction of many changes. It is essential that you know what you are feeling on a moment-by-moment basis. Denied feelings remain trapped inside you and take away from your freedom. This year you will be releasing all that unexpressed emotion which has weighed you down for far too long.The world is opening up for you now. It is inviting you to experience life to the fullest. Yes, experience itself is what is on offer to you this year. In order to receive it, some mistakes may have to be made. Remember, however, that a mistake becomes experience when its lesson is learned and not repeated. Now you must realize your mistakes and allow them to evolve into expertise. Alexander Graham Bell, for instance, invented the telephone by accident. He was actually trying to invent a hearing aid. One of the biggest mistakes you could make this year is giving up on something you feel strongly about before you have given yourself the opportunity to experience it in a state of freedom. You do not always have to lose what you have in order to get what you want. It is guilt, disguising itself as fear, that makes you feel this way. Loosen up and feel the freedom that exists within, regardless of your external situation. This powerful feeling will help you to change your outer circumstances. The 5 vibration is acutely attuned to your own expectations and desires. It is also the principle energy involved in sex and reproduction. Conception most often takes place when the 5 energy is active. What will you conceive this year? A child? An idea? A plan? What are you expecting? Don’t reject the changes that the 5 year brings. Without change, we stagnate. Some changes will occur suddenly and unexpectedly, while others will be initiated by your own effort. Expect the unexpected. Be prepared for anything. Concentrate on feeling free and fortunate. Understand that you are where you are so that you can prosper from the experience of it.Be aware of the absolute reality of your life at all times. It is upon your reality that you must base your choices and make the appropriate changes. Assess the aspects you believe are holding you back. Most of them will turn out to be your own restrictive beliefs and thought patterns which you are keeping in place because you will not accept that there are alternatives. When freedom of mind and emotion is achieved, you will see that other people are not holding you back at all. Situations you think are beyond your control are not stopping you from moving forward. The truth is that you are causing your own stagnation by not changing what needs to be changed inside you.Get away from old routines and do something different. Look for those new directions. Do not scatter your attention and spread yourself too thin, jumping from one thing to another without actually accomplishing anything. Focus on what you want. Your curiosity can lead to greater possibilities or to disappointment. 5 is a very sexual and physical energy, and these areas of your life will be very much in focus this year. However, do not fall into the trap of overindulgence in the physical aspects of life which include food, alcohol, drugs, sex, gambling, taking foolish chances, and extravagance. Such behavior gives the appearance of freedom, but is actually an addiction of some kind. Excesses can create unexpected reversals which will impede your progress. That would be both sad and unnecessary this year. Place a special emphasis on your body. Take care of it. Respect it. Strengthen it. Become more aware of your physical senses and abilities. Use your senses creatively. Get adequate rest and relaxation. Love your body and enhance your physical comfort. Be aware of the sexual nature of the 5 year cycle.See things as they really are. Accept that one person’s reality is not the same as another’s. Honesty is essential because freedom cannot flow outside of reality. Start by being honest with yourself and you will see that honesty has nothing to do with laws, rules and regulations. It has to do with straightforwardness, truth, and self-acceptance. Head games and manipulation are likely to backfire on you. Try to be genuine at all times.This is a year for accomplishment, fun, travel, expansion, and contrast. Your horizons are much broader now, so stay clear of dull and mundane routines, beliefs, and attitudes. 5 has all the elements of being in the “fast lane”. If you set out confidently, with a specific goal in mind, you will be able to relax and enjoy these action-packed episodes. You will feel love, peace, exhilaration, and self confidence instead of fear, turmoil, loss, and exhaustion. Set your sights high and delight in this year of change, variety, adventure, opportunity and, above all, FREEDOM.

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