Slideshow: Latest Trips


Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Unraveling me

Who would have ever thought that I would miss highschool this much? Its weird! I wanted to get out of it soooo badly now I want it back soooo badly! Now incredibly I know how it feels. When I was heatedly in it.. I often wondered how people manage to miss highschool when it gets so hectic and annoying. Now I know that once you are out of it, it becomes so likely to be something that triggers nostalgia for a home you've known how to get around in for 12 years.

Everything has been haunting me.. but I have to manage a way to find a whole new life... I am now starting GRADUALLY. I am moving out of my comfort zone toward another mundane realm that seems at first glance... very CRAZY. This is how I can know how special I can be and how special everyone is. This is how I can discover that we are all really ONE and that there is never anything to fear except fear itself. It is time to spend energy wisely now. It is not time to waste energy being angry and anxious. It just inconcievable. I have better things to do.

It will never be the same now. I do not want it to. I want to move on to another part of the uncovering me.


Anonymous said...

SAMmyyy!!!!...oooh!..i have read ur past entries....the BONO story is pretty interesting,..and this one(the latest)..

wer on the SAME BOAT!!..uv no idea how i went crazy,crying on my 1st day here,because i wana go to ihmc once again(as an undergrad)..i felt like i wana turn back time and suffer algebra,physics and etc..

for now,college life is easy,.il tell u evrything on the phone,.GOT OUR PHINE LINE BACK!!!...sammy,my new # at the moment is 09274853818.

Anonymous said...

sammytootay... miss u all!


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