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Sunday, May 18, 2008


Currently Listening to: Savage Garden - Affirmation

"You have to work hard for the things that you want"..... (in tagalog) "Pag walang tiyaga walang nilaga"

I hear this saying in both the languages that I am familiar with and a good number of people live by it during the entirety of their lives. To some extent it rings true to me but then if I meditate with the thought itself I beg to differ! :)

1work 1: activity in which one exerts strength or faculties to do or perform something: a: sustained physical or mental effort to overcome obstacles and achieve an objective or result b: the labor, task, or duty that is one's accustomed means of livelihood c: a specific task, duty, function, or assignment often being a part or phase of some larger activity

The word work in the "academic" dictionaries means to exert strength or give effort. In my opinion, if you really love that which you do, if you are truly passionate and execute everything with dedication then there is no "effort" involved. To do what you love involves true willingness to BE the grandest version of yourself, to live in fullness..... All challenges will be effortless! There will definitely be a test put before you too determine whether you really love what you do or not that way you know the truth about you.

Right now, I am prepared to give my all for what I love. Now I do know what I love. How do i know? I chose it! I am the living manifestation of it! The music fueling my soul shall always play. The vision involving my art will never be clouded.... I am ready!

I am ready to be, I am ready to inspire, I am ready to love. I am ready to help, I am ready to proclaim that we are all one and that there is enough for everyone if everyone is driven and awakened to know what I do.

Happiness is our adrenaline. There is so much to live for to waste this lifetime to ignorance and forgetfulness....

1 comment:

deeply superificial said...

I thoroughly enjoy your blog. The imagery, saying what many fear to say. I think a lot of people don't know certain forces or elements of life are there and they appear emotionless to those that do notice. A monster is one thing to talk about, but to experience and see it is another. I often write in a journal(not on the computer), observations, attempts to look at life from different sides. Keep writing, you may feel lonely but there are people out there who think on the same level as someone like you.


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