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Monday, February 11, 2008

Together with what is within

I have just finished watching the 50th annual Grammy Awards. It was once again breathtaking like any other awards show but this time it was ever more intense because it was the 50th.

Because of the incredible achievement of the academy since it has survived til its golden year, so many people were given tribute. Seeing all those noted artists being still humbled by their own achievements, and being still overwhelmed by their own talent, it gives me the conclusion that no matter how many times you win, it still feels like it is the first time for that winning to happen.

I am amazed at the many awesome talents that this world has. Over the years, more and more categories have been added up to the awards show. It just goes to show how creative people can be and how we all can create somthing original whether or not guided by inspirations from other people of from your own self.

Again it has dawned on me that like EVERYBODY on earth, I have soooooooo many dreams and I absolutely have no idea how I am going to live them all out in just one lifetime but all I can say is that I believe I can. To each his/her own journey. One's life will only have a real definition based on the one you put on it. We orchestrate our own lives and that is how we become co-creators of the world. I am learning slowly how to expand time that I may know how to utilize everyday of my life for me to be able to touch everything and everyone that I love. I do not believe in the saying that time is too short. Yes time seems to go by faster everyday but that doesn't mean that you cannot find time to do the things you love anymore. Most people are so absorbed in their professional lives, their work, that they don't seem to have the word fun enlisted in their vocabularies anymore.

Many of us even think that happiness is attained by something you are reaching out for, the truth is, happiness, inner joy/peace is only found from within and nowhere else. I feel that we can only be with our dreams if we welcome them to us with open arms in joy and love. SO.... go figure.


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Anonymous said...


haha! tignan mo yan kung bakit. =)


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