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Friday, July 04, 2008

Tuning in to my dreams

Butterflies.... I have them right now.... I am about to embark on something that I have waited for for an unbelievably long time... My life long dream of being a singer. I already am one, i know, but to fully express my everything through what i love doing is THE dream. Now is when the pendulum comes to its equlibrium...

I know this is my destiny. In order for me to fluidly flow my desires into its current, I have to let go. Everything is suseptible to change and it is but natural to expand your goal once on your way there... One must not confine one's focus merely on one point. The side opporunities that are seemingly things that should be shooed away are actually new portals once they are opened. It is not required for an individual to fully immense oneself in a foreign dimension but it will be of great benefit to peek into it.

Whatever I encounter on the way to the audition of a lifetime, I will not ignore. I do not want to hold on too tightly to my dream for i might suffocate it. I will embrace every blessing just like how I have been doing so while waiting. Once I came on this life train to America I never thought I would adjust so soon. I have been here for 7 months already and it is as if I sort of know my way around. Do not get me wrong, I miss home dearly but I even miss it more if i have something to compare it to. Paradoxially, if I go home now, I wouldn't want to just yet. I have to go free first and meander around this amazing territory.

I have conserved all my energy for this grand moment. I have been spiritually, mentally and physically prepared myself. There is no turning back now. I am very grateful for everything, words are limited to expound on what I feel. I will never forget who I am. No matter where I go, I am who I am. We are all sculpted by our choices.

I will GIVE. I will LOVE. I will LAUGH.. I will Tune in................ (spark)

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