Slideshow: Latest Trips


Saturday, December 22, 2007

Glimpse of the Life in Hollywood

Currently Listening: Titanic - James Horner

I have been here in LA for about a week now and its been really good! I really do always enjoy it here whenever I visit my sister Jennie and her husband John. They've been really generous, accomadating and amazingly loving.

The highlights of my stay here this time (because it is the second) is not all the tourist frenzy or the glam of LA but the people.

I was lucky enough to meet a few people at a dinner last Tuesday and at a party Last Night. I was fortunate enough to encounter Alana de la Garza from the TV series "Law and Order" and her husband and striving writer Micheal.

All I can say that these people are one of the most down to earth people that i have ever encountered so far. They were the ones who invited John to both occasions. Since they are still here in LA for their vacation, they wanted to hang out. Even though they have both touched the Hollywood mainstream they had a lot of stories about how the business goes. Mike said that it is really hard to find someone to get to even read your script or story. It takes even much more effort to conceptualize everything and bring your characters to life. He showed us a few of his represented models for his story board. They were really good, how the characters looked and the programs they used to develop these charaters seemed awesome. Their work kind of gave me a peek of what graphic design is like and I would think that I am on the right patha s far as my ambition goes. Anyway, mike was telling us how sometimes it can be very emotionally downing when you cannot make it to the mainstream at once especially when it is your greatest desire. He was telling us still how he admires all the people who still manage to continue on doing what they love till they make it. Some people think of creating something, want to make something but do not at all have the guts to risk their effort in pursuing what they want. Well for me, if people don't try, it means that they do not really love what they do and they are. As Einstien said, "People who have not failed (or risked) have not lived at all."

As with anything fulfillment is achieved from within and not from without. If you feel that you are already a succcess inside then it WILL mainfest outside without a doubt. Again, all a matter of FAITH. BELIEVE!!!!!

Given that the people I encountered are generally successful i don't think that they have strayed to far from their real personalities. They are so freaking nice! When they talk to you they do it sincerely like how a PERSON does and not a plastic freak of nature. You see that they are confident because they are themselves and not because they are Actresses or Writers. Alana even baked cookies for us for the party and she gave gifts for everyone even for me and she knew that I wasn't even sure if i could come at the time.

These people, although they do not know it, are an inspiration to me and for anyone who has big dreams. We all must stick to the empathy and caring that we give to everyone. We are all connected because we are everything like human.

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