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Sunday, October 14, 2007

Soul's Agenda

I heard some awfully scary news today. Its about this "Blood-spill Gang" initiation. In order for novices of the gang to enter they have to accomplish a very ruthless task. You know how it is when you drive at night in narrow streets and you come across a car with either bright headlights or no headlights at all and being one with a good heart, you automatically flash your lights to remind them or warn them. WELL I SUGGEST YOU DONT DO THAT NOWADAYS. In this gang, to initiate, they stop over the first car that flashes their its lights back at them and manicly kill everyone who is inside that car.

When I hear of incidents such as this or those which are similar like mass killings and shootings, I can't seem to comprehend how people in their rightful minds actually think of thinking how to commit these crazy acts! MY GOD!

I was talking to my sister earlier today and she says when people do these crimes, it is such actions that fulfill a soul's higher agenda. We do not fully comprehend the purpose of a human soul once it enters this life. No matter how much we try to change or influence a person's actions, we cannot directly change them without the consent of that person. It is possible that when the soul re-entered, it had already experienced the opposite of what it is experiencing now. Whether it came now to contribute to negativity or to positivity the fact remains that all souls live for the purpose of breathing, for finding oneself and forgetting all over again, for duality. You have to know who you are for you to know who you are not.

I dare be objective in this world to know what I want and how to live my life. I dare be objective also for everyone else i care for and for those who seek my advice, but if there comes a time when one does not always heed my perceptions, then I shall say my piece and let that person have its own judgement and free will. It is in their power to create their play for they are Gods and so are WE.

I respect all souls' agendas. Let their own liberation choose for them and lead them to who they really ARE.

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