Slideshow: Latest Trips


Friday, September 15, 2006

Moving OUT!!!

After a long wait, we are finally moving out! There are boxes everywhere in this house, trucks come and go. I just can't believe this is happening oh so fast! There are many advantages and disadvantages with moving to Cainta. I shall now present each of them....

  • We will be living near a mall!!!!! -----MOVIES BABY! :D and of course SHOPPING!!!!
  • I will have a bigger room! wooohooooooooooooooo!
  • I will have more space to make my artwork
  • There are a lot of CHEAP convenieance stores around
  • I will lose a student... ( Peter Choi)
  • it is more expensive to go to places where other people are.
  • Ang layo!!!!!
Oh well the ratio is 4:3, i guess advantages win! I am ready for a new life in a new place at a new home. Change is the only unchanging thing.

It is just a bit sad that you inevitably have to be displaced from one comfort zone to another. Once you get a system working or once you have a routne for the day, that is when the winds drag you forcefully to another place. Well i wouldn't want to resist the forces. These things they give MEANING to the stages in your life. Imagine if there was nothing pushing us to move on, we would just be stuck in one place without even wishing to go on.

COMFORT=FEAR sometimes I view it that way. We can get so scared to get out of our shells sometimes. I suppose it is time to react to it in a different way. Maybe things will turn out better if we are filled with excitement for every next experience.

Hmmm... nah! It would be better to have a combinatioon of both being reminscent and excited. We can keep the memories of the past and loook forward to what is in store for us.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Dunno What to expect???... Don't expect at all...

I went to my student Peter's house the other day. When I got there, once again he had not showered and he felt very uncomfortable. He wasn't able to freshen up after school because his room was locked and he did not have the key. Naturally, we still had to continue with our session.

He was totally not in the mood to study because i am sure that he felt uneasy and sticky. I don't think he was even able to eat.

He was grumpy the whole session and it thus became the worst meeting I have had with him so far. He wasn't paying attention and we were both unhappy to HAVE to spend our time with each other just because of the agreement I had with his mother.

I became pissed after that and I was thinking of totally giving up as being his academic tutor.

Yesterday, it was quite the contrary. He was willing to study so much. Its as if he was gifted with a natural aptitude for his schoolwork. It was so easy to teach him!

I now notice that I have been to the extremes with this kid in the span of two days!

Because of these situations I now have a trick up my sleeve, I should not have expectations of any kind. These things are to be treated like an adventure that you are about to embark on. This way you will roll with the wheel and feel the pleasure of the way things are at a given moment.


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