Slideshow: Latest Trips


Monday, August 28, 2006


I just realized that I miss my dad soooo much. I went to my uncle's party yesterday. He is my dad's best friend. When I saw him its like I was looking at my dad. They are just sooo alike its scary! The way they dress is the same; the way they move and bring themselves is just so fatherly to me.

I sang for my tito last night, "Somewhere" and "Moon River" as well.

Oldie songs have a different feel to them. As my sister said, songs are like time capsules, they save a moment in time that you are not currently in and they bring you back to remember it. Songs are so amazing that even though you were not even born during the time when it was composed or released in public, you still know its vibe.

I can tell that my uncle enjoyed watching me sing... I saw his eyes and they were soft and happy.

Because of my reminiscent nostalgic mood yesterday, I dreamt of my dad last night. I dreamt that he died and that I was grieving for such a long time because I wasn't able to see or be with him for about 3 years already.

I woke up with my pillow wet because it was kind enough to absorb my tears. I was so relieved to discover that it was all just a DREAM ...

Haaay! Parents! Sometimes you miss them so badly but sometimes you want to go on your way separate from them as one discovering things on your own. The divine dichotomy.....

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

The Sweetest Thing

"Ain't love the sweetest thing...."

Currently Listening to:
"The Sweetest Thing" by U2

I wake up in the morning and unexpectedly fiddle with the computer, there take a look at the time website and see the 50 coolest sites. I search for an art site and go to links leading me to illustration It's so cool that I decide to plan a new website dedicated only to art. ("Whoahoooh the sweetest thing!")

Next Gwen invites me to tag along with them to go to SM. When I got there... I saw professional art materials and finally find out their price so i can save up for them!
("Whoahoooh the sweetest thing!")

Gwen footed the bill for our Wendy's lunch!
("Whoahoooh the sweetest thing!")

I edited a poster for my Kuya... and listened to U2's album at the same time...
("Whoahoooh the sweetest thing!")

I witness my student crying for the first time, tried to comfort him and prayed for him on the spot. >> Lost 40 mins of studying because of it.<<
("Whoahoooh the sweetest thing!")

I talked to my cousin about her silly ventures in life and had fun with the conversation!
("Whoahoooh the sweetest thing!")

I talked to two former classmates from my highschool batch and gave them advice.
("Whoahoooh the sweetest thing!")

I have healed, talked, taken in the discomforts of other peoples lives.... i feel drained but great at the same time. I think I just might draw tomorrow or finish my template design. I dunno but everything that has happened made me feel just ...."The Sweetest Thing" hahhahah!


Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Sleeping and dreaming myself to truth

Just Watched:
"The Wild"

I just watched Disney's the wild. Twas ok. Truthfully I may say that i was expecting more for a Disney movie but everything may have some flops sometimes right. It's just plainly nature's law. It was still funny and cute of course.

Back to my topic. DREAMING

The last dream that I remembered was one mixed up dream that was filled with different short stories. I suppose that was how I was feeling two days ago. Many things were in my head.

First I dreamt that I was in my cousin's house, I slept over and we really bonded a lot.

Next, I dreamt that two very dear friends who were a couple broke up because the other one gambled and that they promised to each other that not ne of them would EVER gamble. I tried to hear both sides. One of them really wanted to talk to me about it that although she was a very busy girl she still followed me to where I was scheduled to go that day and tried to tell her story to me.

Lastly, I dreamt that I went to the INXS concert with some of my relatives, Since it was so crowded there we opted to watch the concert at home instead because it was aired LIVE on television (even though we had front row tickets)

I can say that my dreams that night were a bit vague but I still liked them none the less. I read that dreams are the means by which our souls project into different places. It may happen in the future. It may also be an event that is to happen in the future given that we choose a different path. It may also be something that happened in our past lives.

One thing is for sure in dreams, they show us our deepest desires. They show us who we really are without the physical infuence being imbedded into us. They say that the tired soul likes to dream a lot. That is because the soul is free when it dreams. It is free to choose whatever scenario they want to portray theirselves in without anything stopping them.

So I think that we should always dream 24/7 or all the "time". Anywhere we are we should dream and lose all thought and connection with fear. In dreams we love. In dreams we are noble and brave. In dreams we KNOW where we want to go. Stick by them and they'll lead you right to your own plan for yourself.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

How I think history should be presented to us?

Currently listening to:

"Tell me Baby" by The Red Hot Chili Peppers

History a subject so inevitable to tackle up especially in grade school and high school. I remember the droning monotome voice of my past teachers. Truthully I do find it interesting but thanks to some of my teachers it became a bit of a waste of time, plus.. why do we have to dwell on the past so much?

After I then realized that the passing on of information may not be so accurately done. Think of it as this way.....

The Bible, it is a book of compiled stories of the ancient peoples witness of the coming of the Son of Man. Who wrote it? Many people did. When did they exactly write it? We don't really really know. This is the best question... How are we so sure that the information that was written years and years ago did not alter? How are we so sure that it wasn't changed all over the years. Those stories have been passed by so many people and we don't know how keen they were on presenting the whole TRUTH of what happened.

Its just like "tsismis". A perfect way to prove that its just like gossip is by playing Chinese whispers. The game is simple. Think of a phrase then pass the message on to the person beside you through whispering. The message cannot be repeated once it is said. I guarantee you that the last person who receives the message wll say the most far off phrase form the first one and your whole group will have an abdominal workout while laughing.

So... How are you so sure that HIS Story is not different form OUR Stories at the present time. :P
Your Eyes Should Be Brown

Your eyes reflect: Depth and wisdom

What's hidden behind your eyes: A tender heart

It says here that my eyes "should" be brown and what do you know! I do havce brown eyes! I am so happy to say that I am very thankful for all my features in by face and body. I believe that they really are a part of me.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Through the grape vine

"Squishing grapes to juice them is the first step to making the delectable taste of wine"

This is another way of saying when you are being pressured it is just another way of bringing out the best in you.

For the past few months during vacation and a short time after, I have been pressured to my full extent. I think if I am not mistaken that this is the most pressured I have ever felt even more than I was in school. I was not given that certain feeling by other people. They did not impose it on me. I am doing it to myself ironically. That is to say, I am doing it because of the influence of my surroundings.

Since I have not been given the privilege to study for a few months now I am anxious by the fact that I have not been advancing in schoolwork. Truthfully, before these series of events happened, I wished this. I never knew that I would feel like this. I thought that it would kind of be like I would be having an extended vacation of some sort. Or maybe, i would just spend time doing things that would interest me and hopefully hone my talents before it is time to use it once again.

I am thankful of my friend Paula because she reminded me that I should not deserve this torture. She told me that she knows that I am just resting my talents for now because I suppose that I have overused them for the past decade and a half. I can compare them to a dormant volcano that is ready to explode but is just not showing it. Now i am slowly getting back on track. Opportunities have come out from hiding and now I have been painting and teaching for income.

I am getting there. I am molding a whole new world to live in. I am off to go.


My Mind Movie

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