Slideshow: Latest Trips


Monday, July 31, 2006


For the past few days now, I have been socializing with groups of people. It has been so fun and exciting in a way.

Yesterday i hung out with Paulina's Cebuano friends again. It was so nice of them because they shared dimsum with me. It was so freaking good man! SO DIFFERENT. It was cool because now I kind of understand their converstaions betterthan when I last hung out with them. I just catch a few Bisaya words that are derivations of Tagalog and sometimes I get the meanings of what they say through facial expressions and stuff. It was cool! It was like looking at a whole different culture and how they express themselves but at the same time manage to relate witht them as well...

The other day, I went to Charlaine's debeut. Wonderful party! It was simple and open. It was wacky and insane. It was just as it should be. There were emotional times in it. There were arcane times. hahah!

I realized during those moments how I really missed my friends and the company that I got used to having for 4 freaking years. I suppose it will never be the same. If it were the same though I wouldn't miss them as much. You know the feeling when you want those moments back sooo badly because they will never come back. I just thought about that and now I realize that I don't want them back because if they are back i might not appreciate it as much as I do now. I may just find it as the NORMAL thing that i usually face everyday. It will thus be nothing to cherish anymore. I say keep things at that.

Anyway I am happy that I got to mingle with these groups. I had a blast!

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