Slideshow: Latest Trips


Monday, July 31, 2006


For the past few days now, I have been socializing with groups of people. It has been so fun and exciting in a way.

Yesterday i hung out with Paulina's Cebuano friends again. It was so nice of them because they shared dimsum with me. It was so freaking good man! SO DIFFERENT. It was cool because now I kind of understand their converstaions betterthan when I last hung out with them. I just catch a few Bisaya words that are derivations of Tagalog and sometimes I get the meanings of what they say through facial expressions and stuff. It was cool! It was like looking at a whole different culture and how they express themselves but at the same time manage to relate witht them as well...

The other day, I went to Charlaine's debeut. Wonderful party! It was simple and open. It was wacky and insane. It was just as it should be. There were emotional times in it. There were arcane times. hahah!

I realized during those moments how I really missed my friends and the company that I got used to having for 4 freaking years. I suppose it will never be the same. If it were the same though I wouldn't miss them as much. You know the feeling when you want those moments back sooo badly because they will never come back. I just thought about that and now I realize that I don't want them back because if they are back i might not appreciate it as much as I do now. I may just find it as the NORMAL thing that i usually face everyday. It will thus be nothing to cherish anymore. I say keep things at that.

Anyway I am happy that I got to mingle with these groups. I had a blast!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

I am Back part 2

I never thought that my adventure learning about marine wildlife would start in a restaurant. Rea and Noel started elaborating on how diving was so fascinating and that once you start it would be difficult to stop. They even said something that really intrigued me. They said that diving is the closest to flying. How ironic can that be right? He said that when you are in the water going against the current and you ride the current back to where you were, it’s like you are gliding.

What I concluded out of this short statement is that the sea and the atmosphere are the same even though they are made out of different stuff. I just gave my full focus of that thought and was bewildered by God’s amazing talents.

After having a more than decent meal we went back to our accommodation and had a little drinking session with my friend MUDSLIDE! Yumm! We then talked about diving and about the medical world where Rea and Noel happened to be in. After those countless stories in the emergency room (which are too long to elaborate further) we finally put an end to our long tiring day.

The morning after we went straight to Batangas. When we came to the resort, we immediately we changed into our bathing suits and hopped on to the boat.

The boat ride was indeed intense for the waves were growing freaking bigger and bigger. When we finally came to the spot, we snorkeled under the sea.

At first I had a hard time breathing through the mask but I got the hang of it eventually. Woe and behold lay beautiful creatures of the sea mingling with each other by their beautiful homes. Although it was a bit dark we still managed to see quite a lot and I can say that it was indeed FANTASTIC. I saw NEMOS AND DORIES! In actual life! I saw a few other fishes that were very colorful and unique.

If my sister hadn’t called me up onto the boat I would have stayed there forever.

The adventure I thought was over but to my surprise something quite amusing happened, we got STUCK! We were stranded for a while on another shore because it rained like it was the end of the world. It wasn’t just pitter patter but it was PLOK PLOK PLOK PLOK PLOK with sand. It was like being lashed but by ants all over your body. To make use of the time I was just laughing my ass off!

Sunday, July 23, 2006

I am Back part 1

I have not been blogging for a while now… simply because I have not had any ideas. The last supposed entry I was gonna write about has passed me by. I do not remember the details about it that much and it was a bit crazy soooo… I will just let that be. I am not meant to share it with the public I guess.

This entry though, I cannot let that happen to this entry coz I am BACK! I am in the mood to write again… My mind is overflowing with concepts. My creativity is oooozzzzing back towards where it wants to be.

I have been in a solitary state for a few weeks now. Solitary in a sense that, I have not thought of anything original to do, draw, sing, or say. Not that I have been a useless piece of wreckage it’s just that I have been scattered.

What triggered me to going back is this weekend of spontaneity. It started like all weekends do. I had a plan to got to Batangas with Gwen, Kuya and Bine-Bine but I did not have any expectations.

Saturday morning, I was trying to complete a concept in my head about some art project I was doing for Kuya Robbie. I ended up reading Eragon the whole morning. After lunch, early afternoon, I came to a part in the book where something MAJOR happened but I had to go to national bookstore and buy poster paint. SO I took a bath changed then went. Paulina came along with me.

When I entered the bookstore I went straight to the paint section and got the necessary colors I needed. Went to the professional paint section then AGAIN to look at the prang watercolors that were there. It was a bit expensive but Paige convinced me to get it. I got a big piece of watercolor paper to go with it as well.

I came home then I tested it. It was really cool I loved it. I then packed because we were about to leave for Tagaytay. (Our first stop before Batangas)

We went to a Belo clinic to meet up with Kuya’s friends Rea and Noel because we were riding with them.

When we reached Tagaytay and ate in Josephine’s. I learned a whole lot about diving there. It was very interesting to hear about. I was itching to learn more. Thus that moment was the start of my adventure.


My Mind Movie

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