Slideshow: Latest Trips


Thursday, July 08, 2010

Aladdin the Musical Spectacular

I was killing some time in Boarders because I had to let my dad give my a ride to work because of my car accident (my car is still in the shop). It came to me that I had not seen the magazine Backstage West in a long time. It is a Magazine in which you can look for current auditions open for actors and actresses, whether theater, film, commercials (you name it) and it is for Union or Non-Union members alike. I looked all around for it until I saw it just in the magazine stand ( I felt so stupid haha) I decided to browse through it in order to see what the auditions were and if I should go ahead and do some. Viola! I saw auditions for Disneyland's Aladdin! I was sooooooo excited but, I knew that I wasn't that prepared to do them since the auditions would take place the NEXT DAY! I knew about them A DAY before.

I tried practicing in the parking lot of where I worked. When I got home, I practiced for 2 hours, finished making a resume and tried to find head shots. OMG! This was ridiculous. I slept at 2:30 am just to finish all the requirements for it. I woke up at 7am to get prepared for my trip to LA where it was gonna be held. My dad and I left at 9am and passed by my sister Jennie's house. I practiced again. I wasn't sure whether to sing On my Own or A whole new world. My cousin Kyle said I should sing On my Own since it will showcase my voice. I had a feeling that I needed to sing the other song though. I just brushed this and once again followed my cousin's advice.

Jennie brought me to Screenland Studios where the auditions were to be held. I was so nervous but excited at the same time but more of the latter. The audition process was way more simpler than the American Idol auditions since it was not really publicized. It reminded me of my theatre days in the Philippines and I was feeling the amazing sensation of being alive all over again. This is how I know that I am meant to do theatre. I had met many people in such a short period of time. Girl A - Was nice. Does a lot of theatre. Currently was in the Rocky Horror Picture show. Girl B - First time auditioner. Hispanic but looked like Jasmine. Girl C - Very aggressive but secretive. Girl C - Pop singer trying something different. Girl D - Looked like Jasmine. Tried out for DISNEY auditions around 10 times already! Never got it. was often called back though. It was very interesting to see where all these people were coming from.

Before the whole audition the casting director talked to all of us saying that he never knew that he was going to be looking for another Jasmine once again since the show was supposedly going to end. He even said that he thought they would be looking for Slinky's but since the next play was going to be Toy Story the Musical! He was a very humble man and gave amazing advice, "Don't get disheartened and please have a great time here while you are at it. This will be a great experience for all of you." And boy did I reflect on what he said especially after.

It was my turn to sing. I didn't really wait that long considering that I was there really early. I was #22, the first one to sing in the whole group. I wasn't that nervous. I had met Girl D just before I entered the room. I had hope. The room was very powerful, the amount of talent, brains and genius that encompassed the whole ambiance of it was remarkable, a natural high to be feeling it after such a long time. I gave my piano piece to the accompanist - - - "On my Own" I only had to sing 16 bars and I chose pretty much minutes beforehand. I was under pressure since I knew that I was unprepared but I still gave it my all. My voice DID NOT come out princessy at all. It came out belterish TOO POWERFUL and it was not what they were looking for. I knew it while I was singing that it was too late but I still gave it my all and came out confident, assured and strong. The words I knew were gonna come out did. "Thank you very much for your time, Samantha." And... that was it.

I have NO regrets. This is just one single step to be where I am supposed to be. At least I do not have any WHAT IFS. Life is meant to be lived to the fullest. We must grasp every single opportunity out there. But, I did get many things out of this experience, that is being PREPARED. I should be ready for any unexpected thing to happen. It is all a matter of focus. I will have to stop procrastinating in all the weak aspects of my life. I will do a number of things to prepare myself for THE audition. The one that is already there in the NOW waiting for me to take a go at it.

Rejection had made me so much stronger. I will never give up on my dreams and I will live my whole life in the direction towards them, I don't care how long it will take or how hard it will be, I know what I am meant to do and this is it. My dreams ARE my reality. Thank you all so much everyone who believes in me. Just know that I all believe in you too and I will never be who I am without you.

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