Slideshow: Latest Trips


Sunday, October 21, 2007

Josh Groban Concert

Going Through the Crowd

Where I reached Him
OH MY GOD! (*sigh)…….

Everything was like just a fleeting moment passing. One moment that seemed like a whole different forever while it was happening, but, something so short when it was over.
The whole experience of being in the concert was breathtaking and until now my feet are still not on the ground. I am floating in midair as if I am in a human made heaven.

If you are wondering how I was able to go, it was not through the SCREAMING FAN competition held on MTV. (The video I posted earlier) It was through a blessing in the universe, through my sister Gwen.

Gwen was able to get tickets for free! At first she didn’t know whether or not her contact would be able to get us seats. We were willing to pay for cheaper tickets, that’s why she asked her contact if they still had any low priced seats available because that’s what we could afford. It was a miracle that there were still seats and, because of the work she did for that company’s PR in the past, they granted her a reward and gave even better tickets for free!

She didn’t even tell me anything at first when she got them. When she came home 2 nights before the concert, she just told me to fit an outfit for me to wear for the concert and use the Law of Attraction to get those tickets. So I did what she told me even though I was already really worried about the whole thing. The next day, while we were driving to Greenhills, she told me to put on a Josh G. CD. I said, “Why will we put it on? I am already so frustrated that we don’t have the tickets as it is!” She just brushed aside what I said and just insisted that I put on the CD. I was reaching for the older album when she told me to look in her bag and take out the newer one. When I got it, my eyes immediately focused on two yellowish strips of card on the left side that wasn’t normally there…..

I just couldn’t react at once. I stared at the tickets, screamed to the top of my lungs and CRIED LIKE A BABY!

I thought the surprises were over and I was wrong.

On the day of the concert, we left the house early so that we could hang out in my tita’s condo in Makati since we were waiting for some friends to finish with a meeting in the area and eventually ride along with them to PICC for the concert. It just so happened that my tita watched the concert the night before and told us what happened. At first we were annoyed because we knew that our aunt would tell us everything but then we heard that Josh would be moving around the audience in the 2nd half of the concert. It would happen when he makes the female violinist perform a solo and smoke comes out on the stage. THE SURPRISE OF THE NIGHT! We also heard of Maricel-Laxa Panganiban who was daring enough to quickly take a snap shot of herself and Josh in the background very quickly.

A light bulb then went on! WHY DON’T I DO THAT! THERE MIGHT BE A CHANCE FOR HIM TO PASS BY OUR ROW! We didn’t have a good camera so my tita lent me hers. I also planned on handing him a small note saying “I dream of singing with you one day. You are amazing!”
FINALLY, we were watching the concert! It was spectacular, words are too much of a hindrance to explain fully how it felt like watching him. From the lights, to the musicians with him to his wonderful voice, it was perfect!

The cue came in for the second half and of course his entrance FROM THE AUDIENCE. We were fortunately seated beside the isle! When the cue came, I looked up and there was a guy in the trench coat! I quickly exchanged seats with my sis wanting to be by the isle. FALSE ALARM!

We were looking up frantically searching then we heard his voice then the spotlight directed on the upper left side of the audience (the other side). I prayed and hoped that he would pass by our seats… SUDDENLY, WE SAW THAT HE WAS PASSING THROUGH THE MIDDLE AND THAT HIS ONLY EXIT WOULD BE ON OUR SIDE BY OUR SEATS!!!!!!!. I frantically tried to grab the camera phone from my sis…(since I thought my aunt’s digicam would not be allowed in the premises I didn’t bring it down…. SAYANG!....) She was grabbing it back from me saying, “Ano ka ba SAM! Ako ang kukuha ng picture nyo!” THEN, THERE HE WAS IN FRONT OF US! First I reached out my hand, touched his and tried to put the note in his hand amidst so many people and his bodyguards. When I saw that he held my note and that there were no more people from the audience, I quickly went in between his whole entourage and I HUGGED HIM! HE PUT HIS ARM AROUND ME! The bodyguards couldn’t do anything. They just let me be and my sis took the shot! (Pic Shown) We were against the drasted spotlight so the pic is dark. I decided to just play with it in photoshop so it can be made clearer. BUT STILL IT’S A PICTURE!

Then, when he went back onstage, and there was a silent moment I screamed, “I LOVE YOU JOSH!” He said in a manly tone, “Hmmmmmm….I Love you MORE!”

Unluckily, he accidentally dropped my note. Its okay though because at least now I have something that he held in his hands. I wrote to him in his website instead. I ardently wish that he would receive that email.

WAAAAAAH! It was the night of my life! My sis and I were screaming and crying the whole time! I thank her so much for everything… I wouldn’t have spent it with anyone else. I totally believe in the SECRET and the UNIVERSE now!

Whatever you desire you get! I truly desired this. So people JUST BELIEVE!!!!!
So… I swear to all of you right now, “Before I die, I will sing with Josh Groban LIVE in front of millions of people worldwide…… IN THIS LIFETIME!!!!!!”


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