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Sunday, August 06, 2006

How I think history should be presented to us?

Currently listening to:

"Tell me Baby" by The Red Hot Chili Peppers

History a subject so inevitable to tackle up especially in grade school and high school. I remember the droning monotome voice of my past teachers. Truthully I do find it interesting but thanks to some of my teachers it became a bit of a waste of time, plus.. why do we have to dwell on the past so much?

After I then realized that the passing on of information may not be so accurately done. Think of it as this way.....

The Bible, it is a book of compiled stories of the ancient peoples witness of the coming of the Son of Man. Who wrote it? Many people did. When did they exactly write it? We don't really really know. This is the best question... How are we so sure that the information that was written years and years ago did not alter? How are we so sure that it wasn't changed all over the years. Those stories have been passed by so many people and we don't know how keen they were on presenting the whole TRUTH of what happened.

Its just like "tsismis". A perfect way to prove that its just like gossip is by playing Chinese whispers. The game is simple. Think of a phrase then pass the message on to the person beside you through whispering. The message cannot be repeated once it is said. I guarantee you that the last person who receives the message wll say the most far off phrase form the first one and your whole group will have an abdominal workout while laughing.

So... How are you so sure that HIS Story is not different form OUR Stories at the present time. :P

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love history and God's history... but theology is completely different from religion subject. reason and faith is the theme of theology... while faith is the subject of just an individual... no other basis but your beliefs... and i believe that it is better to have faith. for in faith there are uncertainties and that makes our lives mysterious... history is mysterious... that's why we always ask for reasons and answers but don't you think that it is better that way so that miracles would still be possible?


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