Slideshow: Latest Trips


Saturday, May 06, 2006

Interesting part 2

When I say "UNSUITABLE" it is because I do not believe that anything is bad anymore. "BAD" is a term coined by narrow minded people for me. It is unfair to name something as bad. Sometimes things are judged as bad by people who get so hurt of them. It is not helpful for other people who havent experienced such a thing because it is somehow labelled already. Biased opinions pop out made by people who are totally unconscious of what they are doing then it ends up blocking the flow of experience!
For me we people are here not to learn.... We are here to feel to be fully human. If we are God's sons and daughters... If we are made in His/Her image and likeness... Than in a way, we are God. WE ARE GOD! If we are God we already know... it is just up to us to remember.
You may ask..."What the hell is this demented girl talking about?" I can prove it I have back up.. here is how it goes... an all powerful... all knowing God. He was this enegry, absolute and ever great. The knew himself conceptually. He KNOWS that he is all powerful all that he is everything. But... because God was all there is... He couldn't compare himself to anything. He was therefore "NOTHING" because he was "EVERYTHING"
Now in order to make himself something... he wanted to know himself not only "CONCEPTUALLY" but also "EXPERIENTAILLY"
Think of it this way... you know that belgian chocolate tastes sooo freaking good! You know it already but that is not enough... you want to taste it for approval. You want to EXPERIENCE IT. Tasting makes you feel food. Makes you confirm your knowledge about chocolate.
So... God in order to experience himself made the world of the relative... the extremes. Then he created souls, he divided himself into us that he may just do that.
Where did I get all of this? I got it from CONVERSATIONS WITH GOD by Neale Donald Walsh. Now... If you want to understand the green text I have just written please read this book. It is absolutely amazing!
I know I know... You might think that I am so gullible. That I believe everything I read. Believe me I took this thing into DEEP DEEP consideration and I know that within me. I do not have anymore questions to ask. I have been searching for this truth for years and lifetimes. I have finally met it. I am ready to evolve and I hope that I helped at least some of those who are reading this right now.
That's all for tonight folks! MWAH

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